Friday, July 12, 2024

I Am Reading...


I am reading St. Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle right now. 

Her vision of the soul 

is as if it were a castle made of a single diamond 

in which there are many rooms.

There are outer rooms (or mansions), 

and as one goes into the castle 

one becomes closer to god, 

and it certainly reflects the path 

that one takes in the Work. 

Initially, in the outer rooms, 

where we are more consumed with A influences, 

there are many “creatures, reptiles, etc.” 

that impede our being able to see the light 

that radiates from within. 

However, as one enters each consecutive room, 

there are other reptiles and demons 

that one needs to work with and be aware of. 

It is a lifelong process as we know.


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