Friday, September 20, 2024

I Was Listening...


I was listening to Eckart Tolle today 
and he was doing the sensing the body exercise. 
And he said God is as close to you 
as inside your body. 
And this presence is who we truly are. 
We don’t have to do anything (in a way), 
it is our very essence. 
I loved that reminder from him today. 
It’s already Here. 
It always has been. 
I love to be reminded of this.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Years Ago...


Years ago at a retreat in Mexico
 we had an exercise of playing soul songs. 
We were asked to choose a song 
with or without lyrics in advance of the workshop 
and bring a recording. 
At the event many cds were in a box 
and they chosen at random. 
The person whose soul song was chosen 
sat in the middle of the circle 
while their song was played 
and we sat around in a circle with them in presence.
It was a very powerful exercise of presence together. 
Years later I still remember several student choices. 
I wonder if now they would be the same or different? 
Has evolution changed the choice of song? 
It would be something 
we could do at zoom meetings sometimes. 
People could bring along their soul song 
and we could put them in speaker view 
and share in presence with them 
their current soul song. 
If it has changed from years ago, 
they could tell us if they wanted, 
what it was 
and the difference between now and then. 
For those with a new song, 
we could revisit this exercise every couple of years.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Nothing You Love...


Anne Barberi

“Nothing you love is lost. Not really. 
Things, people—
they always go away, sooner or later. 
You can’t hold them, 
any more than you can hold moonlight. 
But if they’ve touched you, 
if they’re inside you, then they’re still yours. 
The only things you ever really have 
are the ones you hold inside your heart.” 
~ Bruce Coville

Friday, September 13, 2024

Every Time You Are Tempted...


Evelyn De Morgan

"Every time you are tempted to react
in the same old way, 
ask if you want to be a prisoner of time
or a pioneer of the future."
~Deepak Chopra

Monday, September 9, 2024

I Like The Story...


I liked the story when I was a child: 
The Prince and the Pauper. 
This story resonated. 
The two switched places - 
the pauper and prince 
looked alike and switched places. 
Each enjoying the benefits that the other had, 
the 'luxury' to live under those types of laws. 
This story has a power to educate us 
on the different states we can move between - 
move between worlds whenever we want.

Friday, September 6, 2024

I Was Thinking...


 I was thinking of how much effort is made 
to get to the I’s quiet center 
so that I can begin the alchemical process. 
Or perhaps part of this process 
is getting to this state. 
But then I see how quickly I leave this state. 
If I could stay longer or live in self- remembering, 
think of all the incredible transformations 
that could happen. 
Alchemy I think has it's own momentum. 
If we could live in self- remembering - 
truly everything would change.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Let's Say The Name...


Untitled XXV

Let's say the name of Allah all the time. 
Let's see what my Lord does. 
Let's travel the Way always.
Let's see what my Lord does.

Just when you least expect it, 
suddenly the veil is lifted. 
The remedy arrives in time. 
Let's see what my Lord does.

What did Yunus do? 
What did he do? 
He found a straight Path, 
held the hand of a guide. 
Let's see what my Lord does.
~Yunus Emre

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sometimes I Feel...


Gustav Klimt

Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the “I’s”. 
They can hang in a space, 
like heavy bubbles around our heads 
lurking in the atmosphere in a disharmonic way. 
In this work 
we really do become sensitive 
to the overload of “I’’s. 
In presence the atmosphere clears 
and somewhat as it is in paintings - 
the heavily dissonance of thoughts 
can be replaced by the Divinity of Gold paint. 
In meetings and in being intentional around others, 
I really do feel this, 
a sense of one’s atmosphere refining, 
lifting becoming more golden 
and that is a beautiful realisation 
and creates a nature of divinity 
no matter where I happen to be. 
Because it comes from the power of the soul 
desiring to truly BE the “Royal invisibility in the space”