Monday, September 2, 2024

Sometimes I Feel...


Gustav Klimt

Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the “I’s”. 
They can hang in a space, 
like heavy bubbles around our heads 
lurking in the atmosphere in a disharmonic way. 
In this work 
we really do become sensitive 
to the overload of “I’’s. 
In presence the atmosphere clears 
and somewhat as it is in paintings - 
the heavily dissonance of thoughts 
can be replaced by the Divinity of Gold paint. 
In meetings and in being intentional around others, 
I really do feel this, 
a sense of one’s atmosphere refining, 
lifting becoming more golden 
and that is a beautiful realisation 
and creates a nature of divinity 
no matter where I happen to be. 
Because it comes from the power of the soul 
desiring to truly BE the “Royal invisibility in the space”

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