Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Years Ago...


Years ago at a retreat in Mexico
 we had an exercise of playing soul songs. 
We were asked to choose a song 
with or without lyrics in advance of the workshop 
and bring a recording. 
At the event many cds were in a box 
and they chosen at random. 
The person whose soul song was chosen 
sat in the middle of the circle 
while their song was played 
and we sat around in a circle with them in presence.
It was a very powerful exercise of presence together. 
Years later I still remember several student choices. 
I wonder if now they would be the same or different? 
Has evolution changed the choice of song? 
It would be something 
we could do at zoom meetings sometimes. 
People could bring along their soul song 
and we could put them in speaker view 
and share in presence with them 
their current soul song. 
If it has changed from years ago, 
they could tell us if they wanted, 
what it was 
and the difference between now and then. 
For those with a new song, 
we could revisit this exercise every couple of years.

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