Thursday, August 18, 2011

Conscience....A Dialogue

Conscience....A Dialogue

To me conscience is a moment of realization and understanding, where the heart knows what needs to be done. It is like a wise heart, with discernment of knowing truth of what is right or wrong in a particular situation. It happens when we develop trust in our own inner world, in our own past verifications and base our actions and decisions on the voice of that inner guidance.

Moments experiencing conscience are liberating to me. They can be moments free of fear, when compassion can enter towards myself and others.

I love the idea that we can practice obeying conscience. The more we listen to that voice and learn to distinguish it from the voice of our machine, the more we can direct our actions towards a higher right.

It's as though through presence, all contradictions melt away. If we allow ourselves to digest quietly, and to be open to the wisdom we have all around us, suddenly there is a moment when the contradictions disappear, and conscience emerges like a light beam through our buffers and "should do's."

I have verified that in the school, we awaken the soul to love; to project love towards ourselves and others and at the same time. If we do not bring conscience there, we can become "stupid saints". Truth and wisdom of the soul is like the noble night, protecting the sacred.

Rodney Collin wrote that the conscience is an "alarm clock." If we heed the bell, we are hearing our inner world. If we keep hitting the snooze button, we don’t awaken. Conscience wants to be heard in the most serious situations where the inner and outer worlds collide.

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