Personal Alchemy
and the Transmutation and Growth of the Soul
Alchemists have been searching for the Elixir of Eternal Life,
or the Philosopher's Stone, for millennia.
The ability to turn lead into
gold has been coveted by men, yet the true magician seeks to transmute
the coarse energies of the human ego into Light and into Higher
Being. Alchemy is essentially the process of transforming a base
creature into a Living Soul.
And there is more...
Many people are not aware
that each of us is born with a personal Alchemy. This personal Alchemy
determines how the impressions that we take in with our five senses are
perceived and digested. It can color one's appearance, tastes, and
preferences in the outer world.
Please join us as we discover
our own personal Alchemies (the Alchemy of the body) and delve into the
ages-old Mystical Alchemy ~ the process of the Transmutation and Growth
of the Soul.
Saturday, December 1st
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
For More Information and Location in
Great Neck, Long Island: