Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Aim

"The aim of the Work is straightforward and simple.  You are here; that is, your soul is present ---- or you are asleep.  

Being present goes against nature.  According to the Work, there are 48 laws of nature "designed" to keep us asleep.  Studying them and observing them operating in our lives will be part of the work.  However, it can not be emphasized enough that any knowledge we gain is with the sole intention of learning to be present, or remembering to re-connect with the soul, and staying there, no mater what the circumstances or friction we are having. 

One must decide for oneself if the long struggle is something you want to take on.   The Work is practical and it will be through your experimentation with dividing your attention and observing life that the school here will organically develop a direction.  

Your questions will come out of your experience, and this is the only way to do it.  This is not an intellectual study. It is an emotional and practical one of learning how the laws operate in our lives to keep us asleep and making efforts against them to stay present.  

As it is, we are slaves to the I's that constantly run through us; we are judging, we are scared, we are worried, we are in pain, we are the I's.  We must be what is OBSERVING the I's.  We must separate from them or we are them, we are identified." 

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