Sunday, December 25, 2011



We are starting our flowering.  To me that is the perfect life.  When you look at an ordinary person, they live their life in procrastination.  The mechanics stop them from living.  One day, if somebody impartially examines my life, they will see that my mechanics (and other people's mechanics), my machine ... could never stop it.

A life can be microcosm(ed) into the perfect day.  We get up and we are born into the day.  As we are born into life, we bring our karma from other lives, as well as our karma from yesterday.  We then do what we have to do, or likewise, do not do what we have to do.  Wouldn't it be lovely to achieve all that you are supposed to achieve in a day (a life)?  Then you could go to sleep in peace.

It's like the complexities grow simpler.  You could almost say that life is moving from the complex to the simple.  As children, everything is simple, then we start to get complex.  Life is moving from the simple to the complex (death) ... and evolution is moving from the complex, back to the simple.

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