Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Different Perspective

Today I want to share with you something that I am certain of deep in my heart. This March and the Ides of 2012, so announced and expected by many, are different. This time I can see them with new eyes; in front of me the great opportunity. All this energy is available to be transformed with love.
Maybe, this is my chance to heal and regenerate what was once  was unified and has become fragmented. I know they are my mirror. I know I yearn for Union and that each time the call for help comes back with new intensity.

The asteroids pass before me one more time, in sync with the beauty and generosity of Spring. Maybe Nature, that wise alchemist, has no fear and trustingly transforms this energy? Only at this time of the year trees that seem dead, suddenly appear covered in sprouts, bloom and butterflies....everything is full of color, warmth and beauty.

What if just this time I abandon my crystallized ideas that March and its Ides are only horror?
What if instead of expecting the worst.... I expect the best?
What if instead of expecting pain and friction, I expect relief and acceptance?
Instead of crime, regeneration.....
What if this time instead of being afraid, I await in Love.
And this time, wholeheartedly and intentionally, I participate in a different way in this Creation.

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