Saturday, March 17, 2012

Look Around and Up!

Look Around and Up

A teacher is held down by those who think he could have made no mistakes, and everything must be preserved exactly as he showed it. Those who love him more must take chances to help free him from the past, not mind if they look disloyal. There is no being who did not make mistakes, and who has not to do it better next time, better now. 

I know that the Work is to make free men and brave men, who will work in any circumstances and apparently alone, secure in their inner connection and inner help. But how few of us want to be free or brave! This is why warnings about keeping away from harmful circumstances make me rather uneasy. They sound so reasonable, so right. But to avoid danger is so often to avoid opportunity, and he who successfully hides from the devil very often hides from God too. Men are naturally timid, and my experience is that they will eagerly snatch up such good advice to make their timidity decent. 

The only answer I would wish to be able to give to: 'Quo Vadis?' is, 'Up!' That means constantly leaving more behind, constantly embracing a larger view. But how much help, how many kicks and cajolings we need to leave anything behind at all! Really I think it is the panorama alone that persuades us. And that is available for all to see—if they look round and up. 

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