Sunday, March 4, 2012

To Be Lived


It is existing, but not living,
to keep ourselves bound and obliged
by necessity to a single course.

The fairest souls are those that have
the most variety and adaptability.

~Michel Montaigne

This quote photographs crystallization and identification.  It is easier to stay planted in one thing, belief or activity.  Fear, often driven by the instinctive center, help to keep us almost paralyzed in one place. There is an interesting paradox that happens in the Work.  It can be very uncomfortable to observe and refine the mechanics, yet, when the machine stops fighting against its discovery ans settles down..a deep relaxation sets in.  The machine moves aside and allows the soul to lead the way. In a Center, we strive for harmony and develop trust and become comfortable with our fellow students. However, we cannot allow our comfort to cause us to inner consider photographing or working with  accounts for the sake of keeping the peace.  Sometimes he tree needs to be shaken! We are not here to become comfortable....We are here to Awaken...and life is made to be lived....


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