Saturday, March 31, 2012

Buddha and Ananda

A Dialogue Between Buddha and Ananda

It happens spontaneously, because as soon as we sit at the edge of our intellectual center, we stop feeding it with our energy. This is the art of Transformation.
One day Buddha was walking through the forest. It was a hot Summer day and he was thirsty. He said to Ananda his older disciple:
“Ananda, go back. We passed a small stream four or five kilometers back. Bring me some water, Take my bowl. I am very thirsty and tired”- we was growing old.
Ananda went back, but when he reached the steam, a few wagons led by oxen had trampled it and made the water dirty. The dead leaves at the bottom had come to the surface, this water was not suitable for drinking, it was too dirty. He returned empty handed and said:
“You will have to wait a little. I will go ahead. I have heard that only four or five kilometers from here there is a great river. I will bring you water from that river”.
But Buddha insisted: “go back and bring me water from the creek”.
Ananda could not understand the master’s insistence, but if the Teacher gives an order the disciple has to obey.  In spite of the absurdity of the situation, - he has to retrace his steps four or five kilometers, knowing that water is not drinkable- he goes. While he is leaving Buddha says:
“Do not come back if the water is still dirty. If so, sit at the edge in silence. Do nothing, do not go into the creek. Sit at the edge in silence and observe. Sooner or later the water will be clear again, then, fill the bowl and come back”.
Ananda went back.  Buddha was right: the water was almost clear, the leaves had drifted, the dust had settled, but still it was not completely transparent, so he sat at the edge and observed how the river was flowing. Little by little the water became more and more clear. After that he came back dancing. Then he understood Buddha’s insistence. There was a message in this for him, and he understood. He gave Buddha the water, thanked him, and prostrated before him.
Buddha said: “What are you doing? I should thank you for bringing the water”.
Ananda said:
“Now I understand…... In the beginning I was upset, I did not show it but I was angry, because I thought it was absurd to go back. But now I understand the message. This is really what I need to do in this moment. Sitting by the edge of the stream I was aware of what happens in the mind. If I go into the stream I will make it dirty again.
If I go back into the mind, I will create more noise, more problems will begin to appear, to surface. Sitting beside it I have learned the technique. Now I will sit at the edge of the mind, observing it with all its debris, problems and dead leaves, hurts and wounds, memories and desires. I will sit indifferent at the edge and will wait for the moment in which everything is clear again”.



Summoned by the Gods...

From all corners of the globe, and all walks of life, we have all been summoned by the Gods to look deeper into ourselves, to see that what exists is more than take away coffees and discarded newspapers. We are surrounded by A influence (Life) in our daily lives and are called to seek more the elements from C influence (God) that feed us. We have been fortunate enough to seek the clues and cues that remind us to be in this state, and we are good about feeding each other and helping one another in the “path”. Let us never forget our part, our commitment to each other, and always remember ourselves. From the Desiderata “With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world. Be careful, and strive to be happy”.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Wish to Remain

The Wish to Remain...

My observations are that one’s mechanics dictate during the first phase and can knock you out of the work. Next, one’s desires and pleasures can lead you out, and lastly, one reaches a point where one is chosen and can no longer leave. At this point what ensures one remains is the wish to remain above all else.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



In the mornings You visit me
You arrive when my eyes are still closed
And you fill the daybreak with Love.
I open my heart's eyes
And I see Your name.
My bed is no longer a bed
It is the sea shore
Where Your waves are coming in.
I can not comprehend You
The sole thing I can verify
Is that is not my imagination.
So subtle but neat
Is this flavor of You
I had not done anything
And there is no reason at all.
All I know is that You float

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We are Here

We Are Here...
We are here to grow together ... 
to heal and regenerate ...
We are here working with the constant aim to create ... 
to keep Harmony ... 
to project the Harmony of the inner world ...
 outside ... in the outer world ... 

To create Love ...
We are here learning how to serve ...
 to serve each other ... 
how to Love ...
 to Love each other ... 
and doing this we are 
Loving and Serving.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Philosophical View of Death

 Mervyn Brady

Question: What is the philosophical view of death? Since September 11, I cannot understand why God allows all this suffering? 

Mervyn Brady:  The tragic deaths that occurred on September 11th, 2001 were a shock to our thinking.  They were however, not a shock to our Soul. At the time of death the Soul is released and allowed to return from where it came. Human nature assumes that death is bad and a form of punishment. It is not. If there weren't death, life on earth would be a permanent hell. 

Death offers one another chance, a removing from an "impossible to evolve" situation. It is a release from this burden of flesh and its manifestations, and a cleansing of the mortal rust which we have contacted. Death holds only a release for the Soul in question, and it is usually those who are left behind, still embodied, who seem to suffer most. When I see people crying at funerals, they are not usually crying for the deceased. They are usually crying for themselves and the perceived loss.

Death is a release that is not within our power to decide when it arrives, we must leave this to God and accept it. When Death occurs it is not a punishment, a sentence a recrimination, it is a common fate we all share. In order to do justice to the dead we should consider their Souls and not its servant, the Body.

All we have is NOW. The poet Omar Khayyam writes,

Oh, come with old Khayyam, and leave the Wise to talk;
One thing is certain, that Life flies;
One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies:
The Flower that once has blown for ever dies.

God has not abandoned us. Each one of you also knows about one is spared. It is not what we bear or what we suffer. It is how we live it that counts. We have been given life, and it is what we make of it that ultimately allows us to become free from it. The secret becomes known to people who first see and understand that they are not the body but what resides inside it. Slowly they make plans, perfect their wisdom, and practice their art. Anytime people mistake the Body for the Soul they will stumble and may have to start again.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Poem to You..

Poem To You...

Whoever you are, I fear you are walking the walks of dreams, I fear these supposed realities are to melt from under your feet and hands,
Even now your features, joys, speech house, trade, manners, troubles, follies, costume, crimes, dissipate away from you,
Your true soul and body appear before me,
They stand forth out of affairs, out of commerce, shops, works, farms, clothes, the house, buying, selling, eating, drinking, suffering, dying.
Whoever you are, now I place my hand upon you, that you be my poem,
I whisper with my lips close to your ear,
I have loved many women and men, but I love none better than you.



The mind wants to own all the gifts that
surround it. It wants to keep them for itself and those
who it "thinks" it "loves."

 The inner world wants to put these gifts to 
the service of the gods.
The inner world wants to make them available to
all: it vigilantly waits for the word and right time
to make them visible and useful.

Friday, March 23, 2012

When We Accept

 When We Accept

The gods so want to reach us.
 When we begin to accept the place 
of the machine (mind/body); and accept 
that our body will return to the earth, 
our mechanics begin to occupy less space;
some would even say, it begins to die.
Then love can enter, and perhaps only then,
the Will of God can gradually reach us.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Everything Good


God is everything that is good, and the goodness that is in everything is God
- Julian of Norwich

In verifying that everything that is good comes from
God, we will know the place of the machine (body/mind).
Then we will make all the gifts bestowed available to serve
the higher; to serve God. This might take a-lot of
courage, but it mainly takes Love.

It is an act of love to sacrifice the I's (thoughts) of the
machine.  Sacrificing the machine itself, we can
see and we can serve, making ourselves available to
that which is higher and all good comes from.

This humbles us completely.

Perhaps at that moment of humility, we begin to
love. Perhaps then, we open our hearts in gratitude
and see how God's love moves and surrounds us.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012



Deep asleep, I was awakened by your divine presence as you 
whispered in my ear “Dare.”

Dare to be yourself: speak your own voice, sound your note,
 play your instrument – and with passion.

Dare to accept the inevitable, for your own sake.

Dare to reveal, dare to listen.

Dare to shed your cloak and walk transparent in the face of others.

Dare to let your burdens fall to the wayside – and become light.

Dare to lead, dare to follow.

Dare to receive, and give back in return - one thousand fold.

Dare to see yourself as you are, and as you aren’t – 
and with others the same.

Dare to be loveable, and be able to love self, friend and foe.

Dare to step down from your throne, and serve all.

Dare to become empty, then full – again and again.

Dare to embrace the roses, thorns and all.

Dare to leap and know you won’t fall.

Dare to spread your wings and have faith in the wind.

Dare to trust the invisible, and see.

Just dare.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



I always knew about you,
about your existence,
I was always attract from your different voices
and your different ways to Be.

Yet now ...
now it's different

Now I found the way ...
the answers ...
to the words that you whisper in my ears,
to the loving touch of your fingers in my skin,
at times delicate ... at times more passionate.

Now I know Who You Are.

Each time You are close,
I surrender to You,
to You
to the Spirit
to God

Monday, March 19, 2012


Mervyn Brady 


Right action is effortless. When we serve or work for a higher purpose denying force is rendered manageable. One of the telling conditions of our modern society is that so many people complain of tension and exhaustion, anxiety and restlessness. Perhaps this is because they are paying too little attention to what they are performing, but on the hoped for results.

Fix your eye on the job, not on the reward, otherwise it becomes as pushing a stone uphill. It is not so much the right action as the right attitude.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Space

There is a space where we speak the same language. Where ideas become the same, and where our souls communicate beyond any physical distance, beyond any relation among the mechanics. Where what is spoken becomes so clear and in a speechless way, we tell each other so many things.

It doesn't matter where we come from...we all are connected.

In the unity of our souls some ideas are generated, some states that can come to the earth.

When we make efforts to bring those "experiences" and "ideas" to this dimension, the Love and Light that are generated can come to the earth as a consequence expanding themselves in us and in other souls.

With the Work we can be aware of the kind of energy, emotions, thoughts that we are generating, and even more we can do efforts to rise our energy until the point where God can fill us with His Presence, with his Love. Through these efforts we can feed this kind of collective consciousness with energies full of light.

As more light is generated there,  there is more light for us, for everybody around us, for the World.
As more Love and expressions of Love with ourselves, with others, with people around, more sparkles of Love can be born in all the souls.

If we project these gifts they will feed others.

All beings are susceptible to Sun's energy. As Love and  light are similar energies, they can also charge others with this higher energy; it doesn't matter if they are or not aware of this.

Like in a sunny day, shall the vibration of our beings lighten all around.

What a mystery we are; where everything and nothing merges.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Look Around and Up!

Look Around and Up

A teacher is held down by those who think he could have made no mistakes, and everything must be preserved exactly as he showed it. Those who love him more must take chances to help free him from the past, not mind if they look disloyal. There is no being who did not make mistakes, and who has not to do it better next time, better now. 

I know that the Work is to make free men and brave men, who will work in any circumstances and apparently alone, secure in their inner connection and inner help. But how few of us want to be free or brave! This is why warnings about keeping away from harmful circumstances make me rather uneasy. They sound so reasonable, so right. But to avoid danger is so often to avoid opportunity, and he who successfully hides from the devil very often hides from God too. Men are naturally timid, and my experience is that they will eagerly snatch up such good advice to make their timidity decent. 

The only answer I would wish to be able to give to: 'Quo Vadis?' is, 'Up!' That means constantly leaving more behind, constantly embracing a larger view. But how much help, how many kicks and cajolings we need to leave anything behind at all! Really I think it is the panorama alone that persuades us. And that is available for all to see—if they look round and up. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Wish

May our souls remain growing...

May this growing give golden fruits...

May this beautiful state take us deeper...

May depth be one more step
 for the unity we are....

May our hours become moments...
and our moments the eternal space...

May our prayers become blessings... 
and these blessings unfold in all of us...

May our efforts become presence....
and this presence become Love...

May this Love become goodness....
and goodness become God....

May all of us become God....
and then become nothing......

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Depth of Love

Love is a word that's been over-used and that makes it difficult to distinguish its depth. We try to understand love or get a hold of it, or place it somewhere in our head. But Love, the same as Presence, is something that one feels and that very few times will be possible to describe it with words. Our lower centers will try to break it up until they come up with some idea of what's really happening, and such blasphemy can't ever be true because only our higher center is able to understand beyond our intellect, because Love is felt and vibrates, and it's up to us if we decide to float besides that energy or if we only stop at identifying it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Guided by the Divine...

Once you feel guided by the divine, it becomes unforgivable not to follow the light that is being sent. In other words, we can't... we shall not allow ourselves to block the signals that come from within. We have to be aware of the signals that are presented to us day by day, because even small things, some that might seem insignificant, they are part of the Perfection of the Universe. The Gods are guiding our path and we will continue to carry unnecessary suffering until we place our complete faith and conviction in this. 

We need to keep going, step by step, verifying moment after moment that we are only instruments of something higher. That everything is designed so we can learn to live in harmony with everything around us.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Different Perspective

Today I want to share with you something that I am certain of deep in my heart. This March and the Ides of 2012, so announced and expected by many, are different. This time I can see them with new eyes; in front of me the great opportunity. All this energy is available to be transformed with love.
Maybe, this is my chance to heal and regenerate what was once  was unified and has become fragmented. I know they are my mirror. I know I yearn for Union and that each time the call for help comes back with new intensity.

The asteroids pass before me one more time, in sync with the beauty and generosity of Spring. Maybe Nature, that wise alchemist, has no fear and trustingly transforms this energy? Only at this time of the year trees that seem dead, suddenly appear covered in sprouts, bloom and butterflies....everything is full of color, warmth and beauty.

What if just this time I abandon my crystallized ideas that March and its Ides are only horror?
What if instead of expecting the worst.... I expect the best?
What if instead of expecting pain and friction, I expect relief and acceptance?
Instead of crime, regeneration.....
What if this time instead of being afraid, I await in Love.
And this time, wholeheartedly and intentionally, I participate in a different way in this Creation.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Twelfth Night

For me, William Shakespeare's, "The Twelfth Night" speaks to the I's (thoughts)  that run rampant in our hearts.

We are multitudes -
The fool (Malvolio) and wise-man; wise enough to play the fool (Fieste);
The inner-world searching for love (Viola and Sebastian, twins) and the machine searching for love (Orsino and Olivia, count and countess);
Our good intentions that seem to be forgotten and even scorned (the sea captain, Antonio);
Our myriad features that revel in the games of this life (Sir Toby Belch, Maria, Fabian).

As random as the events of our lives seem to be, as fragmented as my life seems to be from yours; we are all part of the Divine play. Even our Souls must trust, just as Viola and Sebastian trusted that the gods would unravel their knotted play.

As the Ides of March approach, "The Twelfth Night" reminds me that we are many players that compete for attention on the stage of our lives.

I remind myself that, despite all my efforts, as strange and senseless as I can be to myself:  I am understood by God - perfectly.

I am reminded to TRUST His perfect time and TRUST His perfect Love.
Because all will turn out - perfectly.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


In my personal experience of being graced by a few moments of higher Love ... glimpses of Real-i-ty were revealed.  My intellect could not grasp in any manner what my inner world experienced and understood.  I remembered Mervyn's words once shared with me in November of 2005 ...

 "Reality is "real", no matter what one thinks." 

... and in these moments of Love coming from within outward, these words were understood on a completely different level.

My angle is ... that to be in a state of Love ... is to suffer (the veil is lifted)
... to suffer one's mechanics
... to suffer the mechanics of other's

To truly be lifted (risen) by the higher forces of Love ... above one's creature with its judgments, imaginations, accounts, etc. ... one suffers what one sees from this vantage point.  To experience higher Love ... one's features, judgments, imagination and accounts etc. are sacrificed, they cannot exist in this world.

It appears to me that these moments of higher Love trigger a growth in one's inner world.  As Love grows within and one is pierced by this gift more and more ... it lessens the grip of the machine ... and the machine suffers this.  It suffers the truth that is revealed to it. 

But what does not suffer is the place where the Love grows from ...
It just is ...
... Being ...
... in it's most natural state.

To have one's inner world and the love it has been gifted revealed, exchanged and reflected with another soul ... seems to alleviate the "pain" that can be experienced when there is no where for it to be reflected ... and in this my verification grows deeper of how much we truly need each other.
