Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let Stillness Direct Your Words and Actions....

Living with an open heart when life is unpredictable, when the suffering seems overwhelming or when life’s dramas become addictive, can be immensely challenging. Even on a smaller scale, when we feel bored or have uncomfortable emotions - we may wish to run away, to blame or judge. We may want to fill the space with activity or chatter.

Eckhart Tolle describes three modes to accessing presence:

ACCEPTANCE: If it’s intolerable, have the responsibility to change it or accept it.

ENTHUSIASM: Enter everything with this energy and creative inspiration will follow.

JOY: Joy does not arise from what you do, but flows into whatever you are doing.

We need to become wise, to our machines and plays. Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed.

Let stillness direct your words and actions.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words of wisdom here. This is a gift! Thank you.
