Friday, September 30, 2011

Love is a State of the Soul....

 Love is a State of the Soul....

We have learned that Love is a state. In our modern, sanitized world, we are conditioned to think that Love is a package that can be bought or 'won', or intellectualized.

Many years ago I first experienced this higher state of 'Love'. It is the most sublime and wonderful feeling and can exist inside us but 'arrives' from somewhere else.

To intellectualize about love is like thinking about summer when it is winter. Summer can in reality only be experienced. It is a state of the earth. Just as love is a state of the soul.

In the words of Dante;

The love of God, unutterable and perfect,
flows into a pure soul the way that light
rushes into a transparent object.

The more love that it finds, the more it gives
itself so that, as we grow clear and open,
the more complete the joy of heaven is.

And the more souls who resonate together,
the greater the intensity of their love,
and, mirror-like, each soul reflects the other.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


What should a beginner do?

A beginner in this work means someone who has begun.  It means that
they have begun again where they left off the last time.  For each
student  this is a very different starting point. This is one reason why
longevity in this work is not an accurate picture of where one stands
in relation to it. Every angle is important, as we do not always know,
or can judge from how deep within one it came from. Some of the
most refreshing angles I have heard  are from people right at the
beginning of their re-entry."

As our machines live out their lives, we observe them. The continued
observation of ourselves in this manner is 'self remembering. That
is the beginner's task.

Actually this is "Self Observation." "Self Remembering" is
completely different on a cosmic scale. One is the machine watching
and learning about itself, and the former is the Soul watching the
machine and learning about its prison and the guards, and how to hatch
an escape plan."

What is the difference between "will' and "desire?" Is "desire" a
thing of the machine and "will" of something higher?

Desire was seen by the ancients as a God called Eros and each
person was given an allocation of Eros at birth. The idea is to
allocate Eros to various parts of the living experience and had to be
directed. If we are not present and therefore do not direct this force
it will sink to the lower parts and leak out as wanting a cream pie more
than anything else in the world. For some Eros ends up in Sex
(Hence the connotation with the word and sex).

One of the things wrong with mans condition is Eros does not
reach the higher parts (because they are asleep) and therefore he does
not awaken because he does not desire it!  It is essential to bring Eros
to our work, ie., DESIRE to awaken.

There is a saying, "Eros gives wings to Psyche." Without desire we
will never fly. So check out your desires, where is your Eros going?
If you are in this work and your Eros is going to "Other Parts"
then you will flounder."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Most Spectacular Feast!

 A Most Spectacular Feast!

We have been invited to a most spectacular feast!
Wine tasting with a special quest.
Angels feed our lips with fruit,
picked from the very tree of the Divine.
Some fruit is sweet and fragrant.
Some tastes bizarre and bitter.
And while we feast with pleasure or complaint,
we hear a voice that whispers in our ears:
"Eat! This fruit is good for you."
The cups get filled with wine
that has the color of our own pure blood.
Before our eyes,
the Earth is moving like a dancer,
graciously performing in this spectacle of Life.
We watch amazed as if we are dreaming.
The show is exquisite!
So wake up all you pretty people,
for it's not a dream we're dreaming.
Raise your brim-filled cups and make a toast.
Drink up!
Taste every scarlet drop
that kisses your beloved tongue,
and feel it travel through your body.
Get drunk with life,
and make it be a feast to remember.
For it is a well kept secret,
the moment when you'll hear
a thousand clocks announcing midnight.
And just as Cinderella,
your Soul will turn into a flying seagull.
And with Her snow-white wings,
She'll lift you gently,
and take you home forever.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


A Dialogue on Expectations

S: One of the big area of expectations I have is regarding people. I have to learn to embrace their imperfections like I have to embrace my own.

J: I have experienced a beautiful state and then tried to re-create the exact same moment. It's a form of expectation, and never works of course. When we are projecting what we hope or "expect" should happen, we miss the mystery and beauty of the present moment as it unfolds.

S:  I would like to share  a piece by Rodney Collin regarding how to deal with expectations and the suffering connected.

" I know that there is no way out of the way treadmill of mental suffering in he constantly turning anguish of ordinary 'human' emotions. But if some old point of view about self can die, then the anguish can be transmuted into something utterly different. To me it would be the greatest hypocrisy to pretend that there is any way out while we live in old points of view blaming others- whatever their sins- for that which takes place in our own hearts.When one has seen 'sacrificing one's suffering' produces miracles, one can no longer agree that it be cherished."

N: I find that expectations keep me away from being in the present moment. From the past there are unfulfilled expectations, and about the future, there is a worry whether the expectations will be fulfilled. When I am in higher hydrogens and in immersed in miracles of the present moment, the expectations lose their  power like a storm passing by whithout any damage.

S: Expectations are like are a storm of I's.

A: I am here with you all ... in this moment ... with no expectations and yet just with Faith that what comes now is what we need. I am finding myself constantly praying to live the moment without expectation from others, yet taking my own responsability for the reality that I create is not easy; and yet if we live in the present moment there is not expectation

S: Meister Eckhardt said,  "There is nothing further from God than time, time being part of the temporary world."

A: I feel that whenever we are expecting something, we are projecting limitations to what can really happen. As we are part of a conscious school we know that the impossible can become possible when we are connected with the higher. It is a constant work of surrendering, of letting go to all limitations that our machine creates.

Monday, September 26, 2011

St Theresa de Avila...

St Theresa de Avila...

Let us realize that we have within us a most
splendid palace built entirely of gold and precious
stones- in short, one that is fit for such a Lord- and
that we are partly responsible for the condition of
this building, because there is no structure so
beautiful as a soul full of pure virtues, and the more
perfect these virtues are, the more brilliantly do the
jewels shine.

Within this palace dwells the mighty King Who has
deigned to become your Father and who is seated on a
throne of priceless value, by which I mean your heart.

Had I understood always, as I do now, that so great
a King resided in my soul I should not have left Him
alone so often, but should have stayed with Him
sometimes and not have kept His dwelling place in such

He does not force our wills but only takes what we
give Him, but He does not give Himself entirely until
He sees that we yield ourselves entirely to Him.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Accepting the Gifts...

If I have observed correctly, my own work has given me a
new task; one that needs much more endurance and strength,
and because it is higher it seems easier to fall. Although often
it feels as if I want to give up, I keep making efforts to stay
focused and to remember the aim of our work.  What is it really
that we are searching for? Is it Love? But what  is true love?
The state that requires no efforts or questions?

The Gods have been good to me, for they have kept guardians
close to my side, and every time when my feet are standing on
the edge, They send me a helping hand that reaches out and saves
my foolish 

Those hands are yours my dearest Friends! So many of you, so
many times, so grand is the love you have given me. So, I thank
everyone of you. Your names and faces I keep in my palm when
I put my hands together for a prayer of praise. And in this moment
I realize that accepting the gifts of love is by far more challenging
than giving it.



Through time this beautiful work has taught me not to
look outside myself for answers or contentment. Desiring
only brings more suffering. I have discovered that when the
energy is removed, my machine actually wants to desire more.
Maybe those I's that pull me into the mire of discontent
will never go away. 

I have discovered the equivalent of a war happening
within me; a mental war with what feels like a terrible
enemy. I am beginning to see this enemy as very worthy
and a really dirty fighter - it often kicks me when I am down.
Can I really remain so naive?

Mervyn had a painting in his house of Venus. She calmly
faces you straight from the picture. Cupid is trying to
steal her apples and generally being an annoyance. Venus
has  one leg over a branch and there is water with reflections
in the background showing us DUALITY. Venus overcame
the duality or recognised all that was false and always faces
us with the pure power of love.

I realize how long and humble the process is to become wise. 
I know that my heart is my strongest ally in my battle.

~ C

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Love is a Crimson Sail.....

"Love is a Crimson Sail"
Love is the crimson sail against the sunset 
when the crystal river of youth washes the soul's little craft 
from its secure harbor into turquoise sea.  
The winds of understanding press against the cloth 
woven strong in the loom of years and the loosened anchor
seeks unfamiliar depths for a hold 
before the ship goes too far 
from the shore.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Love and Consciousness

Love and Consciousness
Love and Consciousness are not the same but live under the same laws, and as we are ignorant of the Laws of keeping the Soul awake,  so we are with Love.  We can experience both of them for moments, but then we lose them.  It is almost as if we have to achieve and create certain conditions for them to last.  But they are both so powerful and leave such a lasting impression on the self.  

The machine thinks it (Love) is a permanent state and does not realize that it is living a memory, unconnected with the present.  Therefore, they are both wonderful buffers which give us the illusion that we possess them and live them.  We call so many things Love which are not.  Sex is not, friendship is not, missing someone around the house is not, desiring someone is not, being afraid to lose someone is not,  we have to learn to call things what they are.  Love is a force that sets you on the journey to find yourself. Love, like the Soul and God are to only be found inside us,  not outside. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Sanctuary in which To Be....

I have verified that the work is our own ... 
It is solitary. 
It is for us to verify every step along the way. 
Whether sitting with the Teacher at a meeting
with 10 students, or a meeting of one ... 
whether at our jobs ... anywhere
our play may take us at any given moment ... 
it is up to us "To BE or not to be."

We have each other to remind us ... to support us ... to feed us ... 
a sanctuary in which to Be ... to grow ... 
The Teacher to fuel, nurture and guide us.
Yet, no one can do our Work for us!

This is so important to Remember! 
Again, It is our work ... 
And what each of us brings from that state of Being ... 
that enhances the Whole.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What If.....

"What If"

What if God is the Singer
And my mind His audience
Hears him sing His thoughts,
My thoughts will be perfect tunes.

What if God is the Singer
And my talking sings along,
My talks will be perfect melodies.

What if God is the Singer
And my walking and acting
Are tap-dancing and shuffling to His tunes,
My walking and acting will be perfect walks 
and perfect actions.

What if God is the Singer and the Drummer
And our nodding, tapping, singing along,
and moving are to His beats,
Our movement will be a perfect dance ...
God and I and you in Perfect Symphony!

Long Island ~ Open Forum ~ Saturday, September 24, 2011


What is the Soul?

The Soul has been described as being the ‘connective tissue between the body and Spirit; the bridge between the personality/ego and the collective consciousness. When we learn how to bring our Souls into the world, we achieve a higher degree of Conscious Harmony within ourselves; a necessary step to living in Conscious Harmony with others and being of true service to everyone around us. 
How do we know what our Soul feels like?
How can we “awaken” and live as Souls on 
Earth within our human bodies?
What is the difference between our Soul and our Mind?
What exercises are available to us that directly 
teach us how to Be Present? 
Please join us  for an open discussion where we will explore the answers to these questions.

Saturday, September 24th

For location in Great Neck, Long Island and time:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

..And then I am blessed

...And then I am Blessed

I realized that each moment I struggle to let my
inner world guide me.  I can only work with the present. I don't have
a clue where tomorrow will lead. Yet, it's like that
in everything, isn't it? We work toward the
future, but we never know what it will bring. All we
truly have is now. This moment, and this presence.

Tomorrow I may not be here. So why do I
live and plan for it so much? My machine loves to compartmentalize
--to put each item, labelled, into a little drawer.
The struggle wears me out.

...And then I am blessed by a moment of BEING. I'm able
to look, see the moment, feel my breath, experience a
shock of seeing another student, or having a beautiful
dinner, and my soul gets the food it needs to lead me.
The realization of this is the greatest gift I could


Monday, September 19, 2011


I remember as a young Student some students would keep talking about "Aim" and I would listen in awe at their "Being." Why, one of them even walked up and down the avenue to the house 44 times reading the "Fourth Way" backwards, and only breathing every 5 steps! It was amazing because when I tried to do that, I almost fainted from lack of oxygen and I hit my head on a tree twice!  He smiled and told me not to worry; I just must "strengthen" my aim. I felt very inadequate and made an Aim immediately to start work on this great project. Then I went back to the house and had lunch, and that was the end of That Aim.

This illustrates, that we come up with Aim for all sorts of madness. We have to look at "why do I want to have this aim? " Aim is simple to a man on the way once he has grasped that it has nothing to
do with his "Willpower" It is to do with the reason that starts the Aim. If I see a Mel Gibson movie and see him scrambling over a wall in two seconds, my machine might fancy learning to do that, and I might start this wonderful aim of scrambling over my back wall and finding it took me 45 seconds.

So great, now we have an aim, and the track suits come out and the head gear and the sweat clothes and I bring it down to 15 seconds after two weeks of scrambling. Boy,  am I now pleased!  But what part of me is pleased? The machine of course. It is the machine which is strengthened, not my inner world.

So we must be careful with Aims. We can end up strengthening the machine if we are not careful. So to conclude on this point -  It is not advisable for a machine to set its OWN aims as it will only be to that machines advantage.

Ask your teacher or someone who can See you to give you a little aim. And be very careful not to DEFEAT your inner will. It is MOST important for a student NOT to allow aims to defeat his will. He
has no will to begin with and the machine in its ignorance can become too much for the little lamb struggling to emerge for a few moments.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lessons from Fairy Tales...

The wisdom inherent in many of the classic fairy tales is striking. 

The Beauty and the Beast is filled with many lessons. As I watch myself occasionally, briefly lose control,  I'm made aware of the long and difficult climb that is involved in civilizing the machine and living in the moment. As in the delightful fairy tale, the Beauty (soul) watches the Beast (the machine), and only after an extended period of time in which the Beast fed the Beauty with fine music, paintings, impressions, beautiful dinners, and civilized conversation, did the Beauty actually want to permanently team up with (marry) the Beast. 

Or take the story of the little Fir Tree who always spent its life in imagination dreaming of the wonderful things that would happen in the future, and thus passing by the many opportunities it had to enjoy the present. Finally, at the end of the Fir Tree's life, it realized too late that it had many wonderful moments in its life, but it had wasted them, as it was constantly dreaming about the future. Sometimes, I too am like the Fir Tree and miss moments as I sit in imagination about the future.

I've noticed that as in Cinderella, my own soul struggles with the never ending demands of the the two ugly step sisters that are a part of me. As in the fairy tale, it is a huge undertaking that my soul makes not to allow the two step sisters to occupy every moment of every day and to use up every ounce of energy that I possess. Meetings, beautiful impressions, being present feed me and give my Cinderella a chance.  


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Don't Leave Your Soul Waiting.....

Don't leave your Soul waiting
when She wants to walk in God's garden.
She longs for your company
like a virgin maiden in love.
A wild child, She likes to play hooky.
Take your harp and play
when she wants to sing songs of happiness.
Feed Her wild sweet strawberries,
and pour ancient wine in Her thirsty lips.
The care you''ll give
is worth everything in this life.
After all
your Soul is the only lover you'll ever have
who will stay faithful
even after you've cheated a million times.

Everything is Energy....

Impressions from the Academy Retreat at il Convento Mincione, Umbria  
Part III

Everything is energy. We are beings of vibrating energy.  When Body, Soul and Spirit vibrate at the same, higher speed, they become one, and in this oneness there is Harmony and Love.

Here I am in Assisi; in front of one of Giotto’s frescos, staring in front of St. Francis, honoring the life, the being of a real Man that is said embraced and kissed a leper, that gave sermons to birds and other creatures. Higher states of ecstasy kept constantly refining his Being and he lived a life in atonement to God’s creation.  A Man that speaks of Love in his hymns to the sun, moon, wind, water, earth.


The Canticle of the Creatures
by St. Francis of Assisi

Most High, All-powerful, All-Good, Lord! 

All praise is Yours, 
all glory, all honor 

And all blessing.

To You alone, Most High, do they belong.
No mortal lips are worthy 

To pronounce your name.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, through all that You have made,
And first my lord Brother Sun, 

Who brings the day; and light you give to us through him. 

How beautiful is he, how radiant in all his splendor!
Of You, Most High, he bears the likeness.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Sister Moon and Stars; 

In the heavens You have made them, bright 

And precious and fair.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Brothers Wind and 
And fair and stormy, all the weather's moods,
By which You cherish all that You have made.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Sister Water, 

So useful, lowly, 
precious, and pure.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Brother Fire, 

Through whom You brighten up the night. 

How beautiful he is, how gay! 
Full of power and strength.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, through Sister Earth, our mother, 

Who feeds us in her sovereignty and produces 

Various fruits and colored flowers and herbs.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, 
through those who grant pardon 

For love of You; 
through those who endure 
Sickness and trial.

Happy those who endure in peace, 

By You, Most High, 
they will be crowned.

All praise be Yours, my Lord, 
through Sister Death-of-the-Body, 

From whose embrace 
no mortal can escape. 

Woe to those who die 
in mortal sin,
Happy those She finds 
doing Your holy will! 

The second death can do 
no harm to them.

Praise and bless my Lord, 
and give Him thanks, 

And serve Him with great humility.

Friday, September 16, 2011



At the last meeting we shared angles and experiences on the subject of "Effort." What do we understand by effort? What is the right effort? What is a right time to make an effort?
Here are some thoughts:

Effort must be made from one's own understanding.

Efforts should be made from the basis of self-observation.

Efforts are connected with aims. Aiming, we must
hit the mark. An aim is a vision of an effort and an effort
is an aim realized.

Efforts must be undertaken lightly.

Mechanical efforts are requested by life. Conscious efforts are
not necessary in life, but first we must realize that life is not the
end, and that there is something beyond life. Man is a seed.

The most important effort is the effort of self-remembering.

Effort needs sacrifice. We sacrifice our suffering. We sacrifice lower
energy to become higher.

The soul is happy when the right effort is made. The inner
laughter can be heard.

There is a fine line between efforts that strengthen the
creature and effort awakening the soul.

While present make an effort to be present longer and
deeper. It will bring moments of presence more often.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Higher States...

Higher States....

When Higher States occur it is like flying 
when before one was walking. 

Ordinary thinking is like walking aimlessly,
first going in one direction and then in another and 
for no apparent reason. 
It is based on Imagination. 
There usually is little or no effort.
It yields little or no fruit to the understanding.

Meditation or directed thinking, runs and walks.
Intent on reaching its aim. 
It uses Reason. 
It requires much effort. 
It yields a little fruit to the understanding.

Higher States Fly, Soar and Marvel. 
They use Understanding and revelation. 
They require NO effort on the part of the body,
except to "Be Still" 
They yield a multitude of fruit to the understanding. 
They soar above Reason, 
and pluck understanding beyond reason. 
Then dilute it down to the Reason, 
which releases it 
into the world 


Impressions from the Academy Retreat at il Convento Mincione, Umbria Part II

Impressions from the Academy Retreat at
il Convento Mincione, Umbria 
Part II

 ~A Meeting on Reflection and Contemplation~

Just a few hours before we were greeting the sun that was expressing itself in all its magnificence and projecting in that piece of paradise rays of heat.  And now, as the sun was preparing itself to set for the night, we were sitting in a circle, knowing that only with presence and an open heart we could greet the stillness of the surroundings and the spirit of that sacred Nature.

The birds were playing the music with such awareness as they were singing melodious songs in harmony with the silent songs that our hearts were singing. The stillness of the air was making us even more aware of the breeze of the wind that at times was coming whispering in our ears words of wisdom.

Each one of us present to the vibrations of each spoken and unspoken word as glances were meeting allowing the merging of souls. We were there … “unable to speak … unable to depart … as though in ecstasy”.

With immense Love,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

As Though in Ecstasy....

Here, St. Katherine describes a meeting of a Conscious School...

As though in Ecstasy....
He who spoke and he who listened,
Each one fed on Spiritual food
of a delicious kind.
And because the time appeared to fly so swiftly
they could never attain satiety,
But all on fire within each one of them
They would remain there,
Unable to Speak
Unable to depart
As though in Ecstasy.
~St. Katherine

A Retreat at il Convento Mincione, Umbria

 Impressions from the Academy Retreat at il Convento Mincione, Umbria 
Part I

A retreat at il Convento Mincione, Umbria, a heart in the heart of Italy …
A retreat where our hearts and souls had the possibility to play their own notes,  symbionic with the stillness of a joyful, peaceful nature.

Harmony and Peace, Love and Joy … contemplative states … hearts melting in tears of Love … Souls merging and elevating themselves at the glance of a clear divine sky.

Many magic moments imprinted in the heart.
I see one by one your glance in front of me, I remember you and the constant melting of my heart with yours.

I will never forget the depth and intensity of the unspoken words of Silence during our first meeting on Friday evening … the harmony and union during the Kings of Heart dinner as the full moon was toasting with us … the dinner of Sunday in the courtyard where the stones were whispering to us the only words that we needed to hear ...

In remembrance of the miraculous living in us and around us,
I embrace each one of You ...

With immense Love,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Finding the Road is only the Beginning of Work...

Often a student's excitement at having "Found" the road leads others to think at that point that he is "Enlightened." He has found a road that many are seeking and this is indeed great and wonderful.
But it is only the discovery of "Where" to begin...Not the Journey. And after finding the Road it is then that he needs experienced guides. Finding the Road is only the beginning of work. Because this Road he has discovered is indeed laced with terrors and difficulties the ordinary mind could never anticipate or grasp. How fortunate those "Few" who have " Begun", and who can still survive and exist in the face of the Minds most delicate and refined misconceptions.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Space is Created....

When one divides attention a space is created;
A vacuum, a door, into which 
higher influence can pour.

When a shock occurs in our lives it is a opening in
time; A change, a ripple, where we are 
forced for a period to see from a different 
point of view.

The machine perceives duality, 
the soul perceives

Love the small things, the everyday things, 
and from that 
will come.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Dialogue about "Shocks"......

Excerpts from the Academy Online Meeting
Sunday, September 11, 2011

R: What is the importance of Shocks in our Work?

F: I feel that shocks are wake up calls for us, and for everyone today’s date is a reminder of how asleep we are. Shocks are necessary to awaken the machine from slumber and I feel need to be strong enough to pierce us into presence.

J: I had a gift of a serious shock in the form of a car accident, during which, as my car careened out of control, I was convinced I was about to die.  As the car glided through space, I had to let go of all hope of being able to DO anything.  I then experienced a sudden peace beyond imagination, and a sense of childlike wonder about my own impending death.  In that moment, as the shock allowed my soul to completely separate from my body, I was given a first glimpse of the immense beauty of this passage, and I realized that the buffers I had about my own demise had been removed forever.

This was an immense gift that allowed me to start to see what was really important in life. In the context of this amazing discovery, I no longer had to base my actions on fearing my mortal end. It allowed me a first conscious glimpse of my immortal soul, in all its beauty.

R: Why is then that some shocks are buffered more intensely while others pierce us deeply?

F: I feel that shocks are designed by the Gods and are buffered when we are not ready to let go.  As a student, I have had increasingly intense states with other students because my machine is willing to let go of the protective shield and allow for that experience of intense light to penetrate. In the past I could not contain the energy of those moments. These are the positive shocks that change our state and being forever.
S: I feel shocks are always there. They are the God’s way of trying to reach us. The more asleep we are the bigger the shock. Sometimes little shocks help me to look at situations from a different scale.

J: I have found that my features will win out and buffer a photograph that is shocking. But that if love enters, and I can see the pain I have caused, I will be able to work past the buffers and see a painful thing about myself.

R: Shocks represent a shift in the normal patterns of our lives and are guaranteed to occur in life, whether we want them or not. But in the awakening process, through being present, we are inviting shocks from the Gods.

S: I feel shocks are there for the machine to keep up with the pace of the soul. We are already fixed and whole; the machine does not believe it.

R: I feel that just as important as the manner in which we receive a shock, is our openness to allowing the process of digestion to occur. Shocks can take years to digest, and serve to pierce us over and over as our level of being grows, as we are able to view it from the passage of "time." 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


A reflection, maybe a scent, an open view and I am back,
Back to where I belong, back to where I yearn to stay 
but for now can only visit.
Now my visits are longer, 
sometimes my friends come with me
and marvel at the scene, 
watching the moonbeams dancing before our eyes.
We sit and watch the world dissolve,
the spoken word too heavy for our ears,
Listening only to the shrill silence of ourselves,
And wait….. in shivering anticipation to see if They are near.
Then to drink – oh!  that sublime nectar,
Which feeds that part of us which meat cannot touch. 
And then maybe to fly - to worlds not heavy with life and flesh,
But free of form and unchanged through time, 
And to hear Their song and nestle in Their arms.
And when we must leave – it is not sad,
only a reminder Of what we were and what we may become.


On Death...

On Death...

The death of someone near to us is always a shock to our thinking. It is not a shock to our inner world, as what it means is the Soul can be released and allowed to return to "GO" and start again.  An often made, but incorrect assumption, is that Death is bad and some form of punishment. It is not.  If there was no death of the body our Universe would be a permanent hell.

Death often means "Another Chance" a removing from an "Impossible to Evolve" situation. It is the Sacrament of "Holy Communion"; a Communion with "Our Father who art in Heaven." It is a release from this burden of flesh and it's manifestations, and a cleansing of "All Mortal Rust." which we must contact." Death holds only release for the Soul in question, and it is usually those who are left behind, still embodied, who seem to suffer most.

When I see people crying at funerals, they are not usually crying for the deceased. If they are, they are mistaken. No, they are usually crying for themselves and their perceived loss. How astonishing it must be for Souls to see those who in the "Name of Love" try and impede their journey Heaven-word with invocations and pleadings to return? I assure you, if the dead can or wish to remember us, it is not our machines they will wish to remember, but our Souls.

Perhaps it will their greatest wish to see the living using the divine opportunity they have while in human form, which is to achieve a right to live in eternity in the higher realms and finally earn the right to be immortal, and become free from the constant cycle of Birth and Death.

How many times must we die and be reborn for the lesson to penetrate?


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome to Your New Life......

Welcome to Your New Life......

Welcome to your new life.
Each moment in eternal birth and your eyes are opened,
your ears can hear, your hands can touch....     
You are reborn.
You know still how to walk, talk, and act.
How strange and familiar things in your new life are.
Stay here with me.

I remember things from other days I've lived.
You were with me.
I wasted much but not too much.
We've been given another chance.
In this life will breath new life.
 In this vision will see new vision.
In this word speak a new word.
What is new is ageless.
The pendulum on the clock swings but has no direction.

We are awakened.
We are filled with the power of stars.
We are hidden angels.
Do not deny yourself this moment of life.
Open it.
I speak to myself through you....


Be Here Now...

Be Here Now

Remember, Now, Be Here Now
As it's not like it was before.
The past, was, Be Here Now
As it's not like it was before - it was

Why try to live a life,
that isn't real
no how

A mind, that wants to wander
'round a corner
is an unwise mind

Now, Is, Here Now
and it's not what it was before,
Remember, Now, Be Here Now
as it's not like it was before - it was

-George Harrison

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Miracle

The Miracle...

I have spoken to many of you about what I call "The Miracle..."

It was a beautiful moment I experienced in Mexico when Love and I became one. When silently and without much warning, I looked into the eyes of someone who was present, and who in that moment was filled with Love, and who became the mirror for a moment which allowed me to see the great Secret. The Princess kissed this old frog, and in that moment I saw who I was. I became potentially complete.

I saw that Love was as important, if not more important, than awakening. I realized that Love without the effort to awaken was doomed. A mere whipping boy to spur one on to seek oneself. I realized something that many Holy Men have missed: That the effort to awaken must coincide with the emergence of the possibility of "Love". 

I saw that each time a person has been lashed and left wounded by Love, they fail to see that they misused it, and in their pain, cannot or refuse to see themselves. Rilke called man "We wasters of suffering." Perhaps each time Venus comes to Tea, the wonderful anticipation we feel is really the anticipation of finally meeting ourselves.