Tuesday, September 27, 2011


A Dialogue on Expectations

S: One of the big area of expectations I have is regarding people. I have to learn to embrace their imperfections like I have to embrace my own.

J: I have experienced a beautiful state and then tried to re-create the exact same moment. It's a form of expectation, and never works of course. When we are projecting what we hope or "expect" should happen, we miss the mystery and beauty of the present moment as it unfolds.

S:  I would like to share  a piece by Rodney Collin regarding how to deal with expectations and the suffering connected.

" I know that there is no way out of the way treadmill of mental suffering in he constantly turning anguish of ordinary 'human' emotions. But if some old point of view about self can die, then the anguish can be transmuted into something utterly different. To me it would be the greatest hypocrisy to pretend that there is any way out while we live in old points of view blaming others- whatever their sins- for that which takes place in our own hearts.When one has seen 'sacrificing one's suffering' produces miracles, one can no longer agree that it be cherished."

N: I find that expectations keep me away from being in the present moment. From the past there are unfulfilled expectations, and about the future, there is a worry whether the expectations will be fulfilled. When I am in higher hydrogens and in immersed in miracles of the present moment, the expectations lose their  power like a storm passing by whithout any damage.

S: Expectations are like are a storm of I's.

A: I am here with you all ... in this moment ... with no expectations and yet just with Faith that what comes now is what we need. I am finding myself constantly praying to live the moment without expectation from others, yet taking my own responsability for the reality that I create is not easy; and yet if we live in the present moment there is not expectation

S: Meister Eckhardt said,  "There is nothing further from God than time, time being part of the temporary world."

A: I feel that whenever we are expecting something, we are projecting limitations to what can really happen. As we are part of a conscious school we know that the impossible can become possible when we are connected with the higher. It is a constant work of surrendering, of letting go to all limitations that our machine creates.

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